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*This project is not funded by nor affiliated with CAPITAL Project Trust.


Our long term supporter Alison Faulkner, survivor researcher, is looking to talk to people who find public transport difficult to access as a result of their mental health difficulties.


The aims of the project are:

  • to identify the barriers to accessing public transport for people with mental health difficulties,

  • to identify the strategies people have developed, and

  • to come up with recommendations for policy and practice directed at transport providers, local authorities, mental health and disability charities (amongst others).

We are particularly looking to talk to people from racialised and marginalised communities, and people living in rural areas. Alison will be carrying out interviews and discussion groups, for which participants will receive a small payment. The project is funded by the charity Motability and managed by the Mental Health Foundation. Alison is a survivor researcher and has an advisory group for the project consisting of service users, survivors and survivor researchers.

If this topic means something to you, please fill in the short questionnaire linked below, which will enable us to make contact and see if you are eligible for the research.

The survey link is 


Responses needed please by the end of September 2022.

T: 01243  869662



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Cuideachta faoi Theorainn Ráthaíochta is ea CAPITAL Project Trust atá Cláraithe i Sasana ag: Safe Haven, 32 Sudley Road, Bognor Regis, West Sussex PO21 1ER Uimhir Chuideachta Chláraithe 4157375 Uimhir Charthanais Chláraithe 1087420


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