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About Us

In 1997 West Sussex mental health services didn’t have an understanding of our experience as users of local services, or as people with lived experience of mental health issues.


CAPITAL Project Trust was established to challenge and change that experience.

We formed as a lived experience led organisation, and:

  • Became the voice and independent representation of the community of mental health service users to change services in West Sussex

  • Developed training by people with lived experience to mental health staff, working together with professionals

  • Initiated and led self-help projects in the area

  • Championed the power of peer support locally

  • Led peer support research and took part in national and international evaluation

  • Provided independent and academically accredited peer support hospital in-reach services

  • Set up monthly peer led Patient View Point forums

  • Developed a charter for service user involvement in West Sussex

  • Were one of the first mental health ‘user led’ organisations in the UK


Over 150 people are current members of CAPITAL, who are offered shared learning, training, workshops and community meetings – where people with lived experience lead our work.


In 2022 we were commissioned to develop and lead coproduction within the West Sussex Mental Health Community Transformation Programme. We’ve set up a new independent network: LEAG (Lived Experience Advisory Group), and are working on a vision for local mental health services (as part of the priorities of the NHS Long Term Plan).


CAPITAL Project Trust supported 1641 people in 2022/3.


Looking ahead, we will strengthen our independence, work with new partners and grow our membership in order to develop peer led support.

T: 01243  869662



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CAPITAL Project Trust is a Company Limited by Guarantee Registered in England at: Safe Haven, 32 Sudley Road, Bognor Regis, West Sussex
PO21 1ER
Registered Charity Number 1087420
Registered Company Number 4157375



Proudly funded by:

Heads On logo
NHS Sussex Logo
Bentley logo
The Forrester Family Trust logo

© 2023 CAPITAL Project Trust

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